Detail Perusahaan

Tentang Perusahaan

Established in 18 September 1988, PT Indra Eramulti Logam Industri (IMLI) is a lead and lead alloy ingots manufacturer located in Pasuruan, East Java, Indonesia
With Production Capacity over 2500 MT per month, our production process is done by trained personnel and also supported by technology from USA, Taiwan, China and India

Core Value
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Lowongan Pekerjaan
Admin Warehouse NON-STAFF (Pengalaman : Baru Lulus)
  • PT. Indra Eramulti Logam Industri

  • Banten

  • SMA

  • 1 Laki-laki (Usia Maks : 27)

Non-Staff Semua Jurusan
Quality Control STAFF (Pengalaman : Baru Lulus)
  • PT. Indra Eramulti Logam Industri

  • Pasuruan

  • Strata 1

  • 1 Laki-laki (Usia Maks : 30)

Staff Kimia Teknik Kimia
Purchasing STAFF (Pengalaman : 2 Tahun)
  • PT. Indra Eramulti Logam Industri

  • Surabaya

  • Strata 1

  • 1 Laki-laki (Usia Maks : 30)

Staff Administrasi Bisnis Ekonomi Manajemen Bisnis Manajemen Manajemen Logistik